The City of Longwood held their first public workshop regarding the West Warren Avenue Complete Streets Study on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. The first public workshop was held to share the results of the existing conditions and future trends assessment and solicit feedback from the community on issues and opportunities to improve mobility and multi-modal accessibility along the corridor. The workshop was held in a hybrid format, providing the public the opportunity to attend in-person at the Longwood Community Building, virtually by GoToWebinar, or by phone by calling into the virtual session. All participants received the same information regardless of which method they chose to attend.
The City of Longwood held their second public workshop on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. The second public workshop was held to share the conceptual alternatives and solicit feedback from the community regarding the proposed improvements. This workshop was held in-person at the City of Longwood City Hall Commission Chambers. A live stream of the public workshop presentation was hosted via Zoom on the City’s Facebook page.
The study team presented at the December 7th, 2021 City Commission Meeting. The purpose of the presentation was to inform the City Commission about the study alternatives, feedback from the community, and selection of recommended improvements. A recording of the presentation during the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting can be viewed on the City's Facebook page.
The study team presented at the April 4th, 2022 City Commission Meeting. The purpose of the presentation was to share the final study recommendations for input and approval from the City Commission. A recording of the presentation during the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting can be viewed on the City's Facebook page.
All meeting materials are available and can be found in the Project Documents page.
Comments are welcomed throughout the project. For more information, please contact Kristin Zack-Bowen at (407) 260-3462 or Opens new window in email .
The City of Longwood will not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to discrimination anyone on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, income or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to compliance with Title VI may do so by contacting Magdala Ridore, Human Resources Director, by phone at (407) 260-3466 or via email at Opens new window in email .
Contact Us
Shad M. Smith, PE
City of Longwood
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
(407) 260-3447
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Amy Sirmans, PE
Consultant Project Manager
(407) 641-0688
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